NazBol is short for National Bolshevism, which seeks to combine the Extreme Far Right, and the Extreme Far Left. The way it does this is Extreme Left Economics (Statism), and Extreme Right Culturally (Ultra-Nationalism).
The end result is basically an even more edgy way of saying Italian Fascism.
Edgy Dude: I'm an epic Nazbol bro.
Educated Dude: So you're basically a Fascist?
Edgy Dude: No, it's different even though the economic and cultural stances are literally the same. Get educated bruh. #Nazbolgang
Educated Dude: You're fucking stupid.
by JamesonSS August 26, 2019
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Basically a Russian-Israeli infiltration of White nationalism through the adoption of a Strasserist program to conceal a Russian Eurasianist agenda aimed toward rebuilding the Soviet Union and conquering Europe.
Have you heard of Keith Woods? He is a devote Nazbol!
by May 10, 2022
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An ideology that combines the way of thinking of the two best humans ever to exist: Stalin and Hitler, just if one alone weren't enough.
-Do you know what a nazbol is?
-Then you're probably normal
by Laura Doyle February 2, 2022
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Someone who is racist but thought the Ok. boomer girl was cute.
“Dude you’re not nazbol you’re just racist and thought the ok boomer girl was cute.”
by KimAdolfStalin March 28, 2020
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Based comrades who are economically far-left but socially right. AuthLeft quadrant of the political compass and often adheres to Stalinist ideologies.
"Hey, I'm a nazbol."

"Cool, I'm a strasserist."
by realityisaspook December 1, 2020
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Somebody who has left leaning policies such as fixing wealth income inequality and police brutality can be fixed with universal basic income, free tuition, demilitarization of police, and legalizing pot and supporting due process rights.

While also being socially right wing as in not murdering Trump supporters, and not letting Texas freeze.
That guy wants free healthcare for all? Pfff, what a Nazbol. Free healthcare should only be for rich people I agree with politically.
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National Bolshevism, or Nazbol for short, is a political ideology that combines parts of the far left and far right. This ideology was very obscure. /leftypol/ found out about this ideology and made a meme about it called Nazbol Gang. However when /pol/ saw this meme and researched it they found out about Strasserism.
Nazbol Gang Asseble!
by Slavery was my idea December 15, 2017
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